Imagine going to class with the same person that murdered many people, while watching a movie in a movie theater. Imagine that you are sitting next to a person that doesn't have a care for innocent people. Would you be ok or have issues with that. Never fear the school has your back. James Holmes the killer of 12 people and wounding 58, has been banned from the University of Colorado.

James Holmes was an student of University of Colorado and was getting his PhD in neourscience. He was known by Billy Kromka as, "He basically was socially awkward, but not to the degree that would warrant
  suspicion of mass murder or any atrocity of this magnitude."
He is now banned from University of Colorado because, The suspect in the Aurora cinema shootings had made threats and was banned from
  his university campus after failing an exam
, says US prosecutor. This matters because no one should have to worry about this man coming back and doing this again to their children, brother, sister, friend, etc. He should have no rights of going back to that school. The reason for this is he made threats at the school because he failed a exam. Would you really want someone going to school with you, that threatends your life and could care less if they took it away?

I have been commenting on people's blogs giving constructive criticisim on their post, and telling them what I liked about them as well.
                These are some of the blogs that I have commented on:
                                -Crazy Weekend
                                -Favorite Players