What would you do if you had a class of 33 students? What if you had a boss that could fire you just because he didn't like you? What if you were stuck with a room with spider and cockroaches everywhere? This is what the teachers in chicago have been on strike for. I have a myrid of reasons why the teachers in Chicago derserved to be on strike.
    Teachers were being fired because of student test scores. The Less teachers that you have the bigger the classes will be.  That wasn't the teachers fault, they can't control wherather a student passes a test. The teachers have big classes means that there is less attention to the students, which means lower test scores. I had a class that had over 40 students at one time. It was very difficult to learn anything in that class. By the time the teacher got the class together we didn't have enough time to do any classwork. 
    There are outside factors that contribute to a student not being able to pass a test. Students have other respiosibilites when they get home. They could have to take care of other siblings, work, an abusive family, and other factors. These other factors have nothing to do with what the teacher is doing for the students. 
    The new evaluation system could lead to teacher cheating for the students on test. If your job was in jeopardy, you would stiop at nothing to keep the job. If teachers are going to get fired for the students test scores, then the teachers will be lead to cheating to keep there jobs.   
    Rising the cost of healthcare and lowering the teachers pay will lead to detriment within the teachers. If the teachers leave then there won't be anyone to teach the students. This will began to ahppen all around the world.  
    The principle should not have enough power where he can fire the teachers based on his personal feelings. Your personal feelings should not mix with outside factors. Like the saying says, "don't mix business with pleasure.". The principle should work by that. You should not be able to fire someone because you don't like them but because they aren't doing a good job. 
    You should be concerned about what is happening in Chicago. These are things that are happening to all schools around the United States. In dekalb County, these are things that our teachers are going through. Do you want Chamblee Charter High School to be next.